We have collected the most relevant information on Urban Shelving Unit Claudio Bellini. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Urban Shelving - Property Furniture
Urban Shelving. Claudio Bellini. The ‘L’ shaped module can be used in any position. A system without hooks or joints which allows the user to create walls, screens, horizontal and vertical elements; angles, benches, entertainment systems – …
Urban shelving unit adapts to the environment - Designbuzz
Supporting the statement, designer Claudio Bellini has designed a simple yet functional shelving unit named “Urban Shelving Unit,” which allows the users to …
URBAN - Shelving from CASAMANIA & HORM | Architonic
URBAN - Designer Shelving from CASAMANIA & HORM all information high-resolution images CADs catalogues contact information .. ... Claudio Bellini > ... The apparent simplicity of the Urban shelving unit contrasts with the technical …
Urban Casamania Bookshelf - Milia Shop
Urban Casamania Bookshelf Urban, designed by Claudio Bellini for Casamania, is a ‘L’ shaped module measuring 140x 35cm can be used in any position. A system without hooks or joints which allows the user to create walls, screens, horizontal and vertical elements; angles, benches, entertainment systems – everything that comes to mind.The niches carved out of the piece …
Urban, Casamania bookshelf designed by Claudio Bellini ...
A system without hooks or joints which allows the user to create walls, screens, horizontal and vertical elements; angles, benches, entertainment systems - everything that comes to mind. The niches carved out of the piece underline the monolithic and solid nature of the Urban shelving unit. A modern piece which stands above the whims of fashion.
Urban Home Book Shelves Design and Office Decorating …
The Urban bookshelves design by Casamania , casamania.it/ is a contemporary example of modular furniture made of colored plastic. The new shelving system is designed by Claudio Bellini for urban home style and is excellent for creating appealing and modern office decor. The L-shaped Urban shelving units are 140 x 30 cm.
Modular polyethylene bookcase URBAN By Casamania & Horm ...
The apparent simplicity of the Urban shelving unit contrasts with the technical difficulties encountered in the rotational moulding of a plastic object with large flat surfaces. ... Casamania & Horm Claudio Bellini Bookcases Storage Systems and Units bookcase Contemporary Style Bookcases Design Bookcases Plastic Bookcases Polyethylene ...
Shelves / Shelving Units – Tagged "Designer:Claudio ...
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Claudio Bellini
Milan based multidisciplinary design studio shaped by the harmony of beauty and efficiency, focuses on furniture, product and interior design since 1996.
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