We have collected the most relevant information on Use Audio Cable Video. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio/Video Cables | HowStuffWorks
Lower-end: If you have an older standard-definition TV and mostly use your system to watch regular DVDs or VHS tapes, then you'll do fine with a …
Can I Use Video Cable For Audio | Audio-Digital.net
You absolutely may use video cables (75ohm coax) as an analog audio interconnect. And in fact it is actually a good choice. As HiFiGuy528 points out, you can also use a video coax as a digital audio interconnect (which requires 75ohm coax).
Can you use video cable for audio? | AVS Forum
That is very true, video cable and coax digital audio both require a 75 ohm cable. Using audio cables for video (such as red white and yellow for a component video hookup) or video cables (yellow) for analog audio, will work, but is not advised as it can alter the signal. S.
Your essential guide to audio/video cables and …
SDI: (Serial digital interface) digital video and audio transmitted over coaxial cable using BNC connectors. VGA: (Video Graphics Array) Old analog technology. Coaxial: Copper cable still used for cable and internet, soon to be replaced by fiber. Ethernet: Commercially introduced in 1980, is mostly used for networking.
Can you use an audio cable for video? - Answers
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