We have collected the most relevant information on Used Cars Audio Commentary. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Used Cars - Hyperactive kid, with commentary - YouTube
Scene from the movie Used Cars with commentary by Kurt Russell, Robert Gale, and Bob Zemeckis. In this scene, they describe how they got a young boy to act ...
Used Cars (1980) - dvdmg.com
Ultimately, the audio of Used Cars was adequate but fairly average for the period. Though not packed with extras, Used Cars does include some supplements. Most significant is an audio commentary from director Robert Zemeckis, writer Bob Gale, and actor Kurt Russell. All three men were recorded together for this running, fairly screen-specific track.
Used Cars Blu-ray Review - Movieman's Guide to the Movies
Audio Commentary features Co-Writer/Director Robert Zemeckis, Co-Writer/Producer Bob Gale and Actor/Star Kurt Russell who provide a jovial track giving tid-bits on the filming process, locations, etc. The three keep it light yet still informative. ... Used Cars arrives on Blu-ray through Twilight Time presented in its original 1.85 widescreen ...
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