We have collected the most relevant information on Using Altera Audio Core. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Altera University Program Audio core
The Audio core facilitates the transfer of audio data with the Audio CODEC chip on the Altera DE-series boards. Data is transferred serially between the FPGA and the CODEC. However, data written/read to/from the Audio core is transfered in a parallel manner. The Audio core automatically serializes/deserializes the data.
Audio/Video Configuration Core for DE-Series Boards
Right Justified. If using Altera’s UP Audio core, then the Left Justified mode must be selected. –Bit Length — allows the user to specify the number of bits of each audio sample. Valid values include 16, 20 and 24 bits for all modes, and 32 bits for …
Altera University Program Audio Core - Sharif
Title: Altera University Program Audio Core Author: Altera Corp. Keywords: Altera, University Program, Example System Created Date: 8/29/2012 3:13:56 PM
SDI Audio Intel FPGA IP User Guide
You can obtain the testbench from ip/altera/audio_ip/simulation directory. To use the testbench with the ModelSim simulator, follow these steps: 1. Open the Intel Quartus Prime software. 2. On the File menu, click the New Project Wizard. 3. Specify the working directory to ip/altera/audio_ip/simulation/megacore_build, and give a sensible
Altera University Program Video IP Cores
VIDEO IP CORES FOR ALTERA DE-SERIES BOARDS For Quartus II 11.0 In this example, drawing characters on the screen is implemented using the system shown in figure1. To display a character on the screen, users must specify the character location to the Character Buffer IP core.
Interfacing a processor core in FPGA to an audio …
The following steps describe the basic design flow for using the Quartus II graphical user interface: 1. To create a new project and specify a target device or device family, on the File menu, click New Project Wizard. 2. Use the Text Editor to create a Verilog HDL, VHDL, or Altera Hardware Description Language (AHDL) design.
audio - Having FPGA to output sound on "line out" pin ...
Assuming you're using Nios II and either SOPC Builder or Qsys, the Altera University Program offers an IP core to control the Audio CODEC on the DE-Series boards. If you don't already have it, you can download it here (at the bottom of the page, listed as University Program Installer): https://www.altera.com/support/training/university/materials-ip-cores.html
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