We have collected the most relevant information on Utc Kb-143 Audio Transformer. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
UTC Data - tubebooks.org
AUDIO TRANSFORMERS CASE SIZES UTC Special Series audio units are specifically designed for amateur and popular-priced PA service. The Special Series units are finished in a rich, light gray enamel. A recessed terminal strip is provided permitting above chassis or breadboard Wiring in addition to standard chassis type wiring. The universal windings
Jeff Duntemann's Junkbox
Utc Audio Transformer | Products & Suppliers | …
Products/Services for Utc Audio Transformer. Audio Transformers - (120 companies) Audio transformers improve sound quality by removing interference from audio signals. This interference, or ground noise, is caused by voltages from other devices and produces a humming or buzzing sound. Typically, audio transformers are encased...
Audio & Interstage Transformers - Hermetically Sealed ...
Audio Transformer (TA) 150-B-1133 Primary Z: 1500 ohms Secondary Z: 1500 ohms Power: 0.01 watts Audio transformer. 1500 ohm : 1500 ohm, 10 wv. 300-6K Hz Hermetically sealed. NSN: 5950-845-2297. Purchasing Info Audio Transformer (TA) 27404 Primary Z: 2500 ohms Secondary Z: 250 ohms Power: 1.5 watts
UTC Transformer list - Bunker of DOOM
UTC Transformer list model description primary z Pri DC secondary z mag shiel d farad ay shiel d rel hum (dB) Resp Pri-dcr sec-dcr max lev misc A10 low-z to grid 50, 125/150, 200/250, 333, 500/600 0 50k split 20-20k 59 +15 A11 low-z to 1 or 2 grids 50, 200, 500 0 50k ct y 20-20k 52 +3
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