We have collected the most relevant information on Vb.Net My.Computer.Audio.Play. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio.Play Method (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices ...
The My.Computer.Audio.Play method plays the specified sound in the background when PlayMode.Background is specified. VB Sub PlayBackgroundSoundFile () My.Computer.Audio.Play ("C:\Waterfall.wav", AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete) End Sub This code example can only run within a Windows Forms application.
My.Computer.Audio Object - Visual Basic | Microsoft Docs
In this article. Provides methods for playing sounds. Remarks. For information about the methods and properties of the My.Computer.Audio object, see Audio.. For more information, see Playing Sounds.. Requirements
My.computer.audio.play stopped working in my vb.net program.
BTW, none of the code with the My.Computer.Audio.Play stuff is in the MainFrm, it is actually in a module called "modOptions". In that module is the routine "Sub Tock", in which the only line is "my.computer.audio.play (TockFile$)". TockFile$ is set to point to a WAV file in a subfolder of the program folder.
Play audio files(.wav) in VB.net w/ volume control - Stack ...
As there seems to be little documentation on using naudio in VB.NET, rather than the C# examples found everywhere, and further to @user1666788's comments, this is a simple way of making it play an MP3 file for VB.NET, rather than a WAV.
vb.net - audio.play volume controls [SOLVED] | DaniWeb
My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.Sounds.email, AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete) Threading.Thread.Sleep(250) End Sub 'This method is executed in the UI thread. Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles …
Audio.Stop Method (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices ...
VB Sub PlayLoopingBackgroundSoundFile () My.Computer.Audio.Play ("C:\Waterfall.wav", AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop) End Sub Sub StopBackgroundSound () My.Computer.Audio.Stop() End Sub This code example can run only within a Windows Forms application. The file name should reference a .wav sound file on your system.
vb.net - How to play back a sound in Visual Basic twice ...
The My.Computer.Audio component is using a shared system resource and the Play method is just a wrapper around the API PlaySound function.. I am assuming that you only want the sound to play for a maximum of the sleep duration. If it takes the system longer than specified sleep duration (or a significant portion thereof) to load the WAV file into memory, the …
VB.NET loop through audio - Stack Overflow
I know the answer given by JaredPar will work and has been accepted, but here's a different (and simpler) solution using the fact that My.Computer.Audio.Play also accepts optional parameters including AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop which plays a sound without halting execution until My.Computer.Audio.Stop is called.
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