We have collected the most relevant information on Virtual Audio Cable Control Panel. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Virtual Audio Cable - user manual
Control Panel application. VAC Control Panel is an application that allows to view VAC driver/cable operating modes and to configure their parameters. Almost all configurable parameters can be set with the VAC Control Panel. Don't confuse VAC Control Panel with the Windows Control Panel, they are independent at all.
VB-Audio Virtual Apps
VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable. All audio coming in the CABLE input is simply forwarded to the CABLE output. Download and Install VB-CABLE Driver Now! VBCABLE_Driver_Pack43.zip (1.09 MB - OCT 2015 / XP to WIN10 32/64 bits) INSTALLATION: Extract all files and Run Setup Program
Virtual Audio Cable - Downloads
If some application that use Kernel Streaming (KS) interface cannot see and/or access VAC pins (devices), try to switch Virtual Cable's port type from WaveRT (the default) to WavePci or WaveCyclic. If the exclamation point icon is displayed on the left of Virtual Cable row in VAC Control Panel , please check driver's log and follow the ...
Virtual Audio Cable - Description
VAC Control Panel application allows you to change number of Virtual Cables, view/modify VAC driver and cable settings, watch for cable/stream activity. To open VAC user manual, just click the "Help" button. Device-to-device audio transfer. Virtual Cable devices (endpoints) allow you to organize application-to-application audio transfer only.
Virtual Audio Cable - user manual
Use the VAC Control Panel to easily configure driver and cable parameters. VAC driver parameter tree is stored in the registry under the following key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\EuMus Design\Virtual Audio Cable\4. Driver parameter values are stored immediately under this key, cable-specific parameter values are stored under " \Cable N " subkeys.
Virtual Audio Cable - user manual
To improve sound quality, you need to play with client and cable audio formats. See advances usage topics section for details. To record a signal transferred via the Virtual Cable, run any recorder application. Choose Virtual Cable 1 recording endpoint and start recording. VAC Control Panel may show a new recording/capture stream indicating ...
How to use virtual audio cable (VB-CABLE): Connect a ...
Virtual Audio Cable - user manual
The Virtual Audio Cable (VAC) software implements an idea of a physical interconnection cable applied to Windows audio applications. Like traditional audio devices (disk player, FM receiver, equalizer, amplifier etc.) are connected together by the electric (analog or digital) cables, Windows audio applications can be connected together by VAC.
Virtual Audio Cable Enables Multiple Audio Outputs in ...
1. Download and install Virtual Audio Cable. By default Virtual Audio Cable already creates 1 virtual cable. You can verify this at the Virtual Audio Cable Control Panel. There is no need to touch any of the settings at the VAC control panel. 2. We will configure Windows Media Player to use the speakers as sound playback.
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