We have collected the most relevant information on Virtualdub Enable Audio Playback Lag. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
VirtualDub audio playback lag - Super User
In VirtualDub's capture mode, you can tick an option "Enable audio playback" which will play audio along with your video feed. I'd like to hear sound while I play a game. However, enabling audio playback causes severe framerate issues and makes the video run at something like 5 FPS and the game unplayable.
Live audio playback - virtualdub.org
In other words, the user can't really tell that you're buffering two full seconds of audio if the video is also delayed by the same amount. Where this does matter is in seek latency, because then the decoder needs to re-fill that delay before you can restart playback, but even then doing soft start or just having a fast decoder can do the trick.
virtualdub audio delay issue - VideoHelp Forum
1. Lowering the frame rate in virtualdub and selecting "Save .wav". 2. opening the .wav in audacity and changing the tempo to match the slowed down video as much as possible then exporting it as a new .wav. 3. going to the slowed down video in virtualdub and selecting "audio from other file" and opening the new .wav. 4.
VirtualDub Capture Mod - Choppy Audio Playback ...
Try the different sync options: Capture -> Timings. If you can't get it to work just turn off the audio playback while capturing, Audio -> Enable Audio Playback. No, no, no. The problem's not on the capture, the audio is recorded fine. The problem is just on the audio playback on VirtualDub Capture Mode. When I play any recorded file, the audio ...
Capturing with VirtualDub [Settings Guide] - digitalFAQ Forum
VirtualDub Help has more details on many of these items. These options set up the way VirtualDub matches video to audio during a capture. Video frames can stream in from the video capture with irregular timestamps due to timing inaccuracies and interference with system background tasks. Bad timing can also come from the source video or the player.
VirtualDub & Audio Delay - Tech Support Guy
Jul 24, 2003. #1. I have two movies in DIVXMPG4 V3 and Audio Decompresson Tag 2000, our what I think is AC3. I can play the videos with DIVX once I got over the Tag 8192 and Tag 85 errors but the audio has a 8 to 10 sec lag in it. I am trying to solve this by using Virtualdub but I can get it to recognize the audio decompression.
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