We have collected the most relevant information on Vlc Output To Different Audio Device. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
VLC HowTo/Select from multiple audio devices - VideoLAN Wiki
Open Tools -> Preferences (set Show Settings to All). If you use DirectX, then go to Audio -> Output modules -> DirectX and Output device.. If you use Waveout, then go toAudio -> Output modules -> WaveOut and Select Audio Device.. Remember to press Save to save VLC settings and restart VLC after that to make sure changes are enable.
Micro Center - How to configure VLC Player to Output ...
Open VLC Player and then open the Preferences. Select All under Show settings. Click on Output modules under Audio. Select Win32 waveOut extension output from the dropdown menu. Click on WaveOut under Output modules in the left pane. Click on Microsoft Soundmapper and select the audio device VLC should output through, then click Save.
Python VLC MediaPlayer – Getting Audio Output Devices ...
VLC media player is a free and open-source portable cross-platform media player software and streaming media server developed by the VideoLAN project. MediPlyer object is the basic object in vlc module for playing the video. Audio output devices can be built in speaker or earphones as well as external speaker.
Set Different Audio Output Devices For Different Programs ...
There are many users who prefer to set different audio output devices for different programs. For instance, one might want to set 5.1 surround setup for VLC Media Player (to watch movies), and headphone as default audio device for applications like …
audio - How can I make VLC output its sound through USB ...
Kill VLC. Plug in headphones (and ensure they become the primary output sound device, hold option and click the sound icon in your menu bar, select usb headphones if necessary) Start VLC. Assuming VLCs preferences are still set to use the Default Audio Device for output, then it'll use them when you start playing content again.
How to Use VLC to Stream Audio and Video to Multiple ...
Set Audio Output · Issue #121 · ZeBobo5/Vlc.DotNet · …
I've added "Vlc.DotNet.Forms.dll" as item of the toolbox and I've set the VlcLibDirectory. I didn't add COM or other references. If I set a media for the VlcControl and play it work and I can hear it on the default audio device, but I don't know how to set a different audio output device. VB.NET or C# (I use VB.NET but I also understand C#)
VLC cli output device select. : VLC
VLC cli output device select. I'm looking for a way to choose a specific audio device from the command line in windows to play a wav or mp3. Ive tried various different methods that I've seen from the help page and from old fourms like "--directx-audio-device=" and "--waveout-audio-device=" , but it continues to play though the default device.
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