We have collected the most relevant information on Voicexml Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
developer_guide:voicexml_references:elements:audio ...
Expr is an ECMAScript expression for the URI of the audio file. If the src attribute is specified, it takes precedence over this attribute. If <audio> contains this attribute that evaluates to null, this element will be skipped, including its alternate content. Either src or expr is required. fetchtimeout.
audio element - studio.tellme.com
The following example includes both recorded audio and TTS. The location of the audio is relative to the location of the VoiceXML document that contains the audio element. If the recorded audio cannot be fetched, the VoiceXML interpreter plays back the TTS string instead.
Introduction – VoiceXML
The W3C has just published VoiceXML 2.0 as a Candidate Recommendation. Products based on VoiceXML 2.0 are already widely available. While HTML assumes a graphical web browser with display, keyboard, and mouse, VoiceXML assumes a voice browser with audio output, audio input, and keypad input.
voicexml - Get an audio stream record of user voice as it ...
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VoiceXML 2.0 and 2.1 Element Reference
audio: Plays an audio file or converts text to speech within a prompt. block: Specifies a block of directives that are executed in document source order. break: Introduces a specified amount of silence into the audio played back to the user. catch: Handles events thrown by a VoiceXML application or the interpreter. choice: Defines a menu option ...
Whats UCMA 3.0 Voicexml Browser default audio format ...
In the voicexml document , I use a record element to take the caller's recording, and then send the recording to an exteranl web server and save it to a wav file. whats the format of the saved wav file, 8KHz/8-bit or 8KHz/16-bit or 16KHz/16-bit? Can I set or change the audio format of the ucma vxml Browser to generate audio with different format?
VoiceXML and CCXML Developer Site
VoiceXML and CCXML Developer Site. Tools & Downloads > Pre-Recorded Audio. To help make it easier for you to create professional sounding phone-based applications, we offer generic voice prompts professionally recorded in US English for your use. These voice prompts are released under the LGPL opensource license.
VoiceXML - YouTube
VoiceXML is a digital document standard for specifying interactive media and voice dialogs between humans and computers. It is used for developing audio and ...
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