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Volvo S40 Problems? Questions about Volvo S40 Answered
Volvo S40 Audio/Entertainment Systems — Car Forums at ...
I have the Dynaudio premium audio system in my S40. I think it sounds great, with overall, great performance, BUT I have taken it back to the dealer twice to fix a problem that still persists. At least once every 50 miles of driving with a CD playing, the unit will switch to a radio station.
Volvo S40 V40 1.8 122KM 2000 engine sound problem …
What's this? Coś charczy na wolnych obrotach.
2005 S40 Radio intermittantly silent - Matthews Volvo Site
I have had numerous bouts with the electronic demons in my 2005 S40. First, radio antenna faulty - it was realized that antenna is "tied" (cabled) with rear window defroster - which was shorting out).
Volvo S40 Reliability and Common Problems - In The …
Broken Springs. There have been several reports about some 2000 Volvo S40s sagging from the front end. Some drivers of this model year have complained about needing to replace their vehicle’s front springs to resolve the issue, only to have the same problem happen to the rear end.. Keep in mind that even the Volvo S40 may develop issues as it racks up mileage.
Volvo S40 Problems? Questions about Volvo S40 Answered
If a Volvo S40 makes a consistent clunking sound during acceleration is this a transmission problem? Since the sound is speed-related it most likely is due to bad CV joints though some engine or transmission problem cannot be ruled out. An experienced technician will be able to identify the cause with a useful tool known as a ‘chassis ear’.
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