We have collected the most relevant information on Vulgata Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Vulgata Latina - Latin Audio - Wordproject
Latin Audio Bible. [Vulgata Latina - Playlists] Choose a book to listen to or download: [English Book Refs.]
Vulgata Latina - Latin Audio - Wordproject
Latin Audio Bible. [Vulgata Latina - Playlists] Choose a book to listen to or download: Index with Book Numbers.
Biblia Sacra Vulgata - Latin Audio Bible - Latin Talking Bible
Audio Bible in Latin;New Testament. BibLatinaudio/LT01 Matthew 05.mp3. BibLatinaudio/LT01 Matthew 05.mp3. Matthew 6. Latin Audio Bible, New Testame. Audio Bible in Latin;New Testament. BibLatinaudio/LT01 Matthew 06.mp3. BibLatinaudio/LT01 Matthew 06.mp3. …
Vulgata Latina - Latin Audio - Wordproject
Index of Audio Bible Books - choose the book you wish to hear
Vulgata Clementina : Free Download, Borrow, and …
Vulgata Clementina. These are my on-going recordings on Librivox. When the project is completed, this placeholder will be removed and you will be referred to the official Librivox edition. The text I am reading is provided by The Clementine Text Project. According to Librivox policy, these recordings are in the Public Domani.
Matthæum - Vulgata Latina - Latin Audio - Wordproject
Matthæum - Matthew - Chapter 1. Matthæum - Matthew - Chapter 2. Matthæum - Matthew - Chapter 3. Matthæum - Matthew - Chapter 4. Matthæum - Matthew - Chapter 5. Matthæum - Matthew - Chapter 6. Matthæum - Matthew - Chapter 7. Matthæum - Matthew - Chapter 8. Matthæum - Matthew - Chapter 9.
Biblia Sacra Vulgata - Latin Vulgate - Holy Bible in Latin
Biblia Sacra Vulgata. [Vulgate] Choose a book of the Holy Bible in Latin. Index with Book Numbers. Vetus Testamentum - O.T. Genesis. Exodus. Levítivo. Numeri.
Latin Vulgate on Audio - New Liturgical Movement
Latin Vulgate on Audio. Vatican Press, in partnership with Faith Comes By Hearing (a non-profit, donor-driven, interdenominational ministry committed to the mission of reaching poor and illiterate people worldwide with the Word of God in audio), is preparing to record the Latin edition of the New Testament, the Neo-Vulgate, for use in Catholic ...
Learn Biblical Latin by reading the Vulgata
Learn Biblical Latin by reading the Vulgata. Introduction. This page is dedicated to teaching you enough Latin to be able to read the Latin Vulgate Bible (Vulgata). In order to achieve this level of Latin in a quick and enjoyable fashion, you will actually read the Vulgata right from lesson one and lessons are kept so short that you will never ...
Vulgate Bible
The Vulgate is a late-4th-century Latin translation of the Bible that was to become the Catholic Church's officially promulgated Latin version of the Bible during the 16th century, and is still used fundamentally in the Latin Church to this day. The translation was largely the work of Jerome, who in 382 had been commissioned by Pope Damasus I ...
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