We have collected the most relevant information on Vx5r Low Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Yaesu VX5R repair - University of Wisconsin–Madison
I bought another broken radio. This is a Yaesu VX5R, great shape but low audio out on 70cm, loose antenna connector. But works otherwise. That's what the ad claimed.
2 VX-5R OPERATINGMANUAL Controls & Connections MIC The internal micro- phone is located at the bottom right-hand corner of the display. SPEAKER The internal speaker is located directly be- low the display. MONI Pressing this key dis- ables the noise squelching action, al- lowing you to hear very weak signals near the background noise level. PTT
Yaesu VX-5R muffled TX audio | QRZ Forums
W7MVG Ham Member QRZ Page. I have an older VX-5R that's been sitting in a drawer for many years and I recently brought it out and dusted it off. I was able to hit a repeater that's roughly 30 miles away, however I was told the audio sounded muffled. I had a strong signal into the repeater, but the audio was very low and muffled.
Yaesu VX-5R Audio Distortion Repair | WorldwideDX Radio Forum
4,044. The problem: The VX-5R is a very solid radio, but unfortunately has a nasty habit of developing a distorted audio output on the speaker. You probably know if you have the problem, but it is characterized by a very prominent buzz/hum on the speaker audio when receiving VHF/UHF transmissions and the volume is set anywhere from 50-100% level.
low the display. MONI Pressing this key dis-ables the noise squelching action, al-lowing you to hear very weak signals near the background noise level. PTT Press this key to transmit, and release it to receive after your transmission is com-pleted. MIC/SP This four-conductor miniature jack pro-vides connection points for microphone audio ...
Yaesu VX-5R HandiTalkie, Yaesu VX5R - Universal Radio
The Yaesu VX-5Ris a triple band (6M, 2M & 440 MHz) HT with extensive receive coverage, and leading-edge features. It receives the AM and FM broadcast bands, shortwave (AM) to 16 MHz, VHF and UHF TV audio, VHF Air and public service frequencies. The specific ranges covered are: 0.5-16, 47-729 and 800-999 (less cellular).
VX5R Operation Notes - Cupertino ARES
L ) ) ) Low TX Power Selected 30 Bell Bell Alarm Active 29 Telephone DTMF Autodialer Active 36 Battery (S) Battery Saver Active 32 Broken Battery Low Battery Indicator 10 Memory Recall 1. If operating in VFO mode, press the MR key. 2. Rotate the DIAL to the desired channel. OR, key in the memory channel number and press the MR key.
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