We have collected the most relevant information on Vxml Audio Max Age. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
VXML Properties - Genesys Documentation
Defines maximum acceptable age, in seconds, of cached audio resources. undefined audiomaxstale Defines maximum staleness, in seconds, of expired cached audio resources. undefined datafetchhint Defines when XML data files can be fetched: safe--only load the XML data file when needed; Currently, all data files are fetched when needed. safe datamaxage
audio element - 24/7 Studio
The audio element plays back a pre-recorded audio file or text that's synthesized using a Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine. If the src or expr attribute points to a valid audio file, any text specified within the audio element is ignored. If the audio file cannot be retrieved, the specified text is synthesized and played to the user.
Design Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal ...
Caching property is associated with VXML resources, audio prompts, grammar and script files. A query is a URL that has a question ... the max-age is used as the FreshTime for this file: Cache-Control ...
Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) Version 2.0
1. Overview. This document defines VoiceXML, the Voice Extensible Markup Language. Its background, basic concepts and use are presented in Section 1.The dialog constructs of form, menu and link, and the mechanism (Form Interpretation Algorithm) by which they are interpreted are then introduced in Section 2.User input using DTMF and speech grammars is covered in …
choice element
Sends the max-age Cache-Control HTTP header along with the request for the specified resource. The header indicates that the document is willing to use content whose age is no greater than the specified time in seconds, unless maxstale is also provided. Voice application developers should use extreme caution when setting this attribute.
submit element - [24]7.ai
Sends the max-age Cache-Control HTTP header along with the request for the specified resource. The header indicates that the document is willing to use content whose age is no greater than the specified time in seconds, unless maxstale is also provided. Voice application developers should use extreme caution when setting this attribute.
Solved: CVP VXML CACHE Settings / refresh issue - Cisco ...
I want the cache to be refreshed and new media file should play immediately with out forcing an audio to refresh. This issue for both CVP /Micro applications.. Application server -IIS 8. IOS ver 15.5. Call /VXML /Media server is same box . Gateway settings . http client cache memory pool 100000 http client cache memory file 10000
link element - [24]7.ai
Sends the max-age Cache-Control HTTP header along with the request for the specified resource. The header indicates that the document is willing to use content whose age is no greater than the specified time in seconds, unless maxstale is also provided. Voice application developers should use extreme caution when setting this attribute.
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