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Items tagged with: Walt Jung | audioXpress
In April and May 2007, audioXpress published a two-part article by Walter G. (Walt) Jung, noted designer and author of the IC Op Amp Cookbook and IC Op Amp Applications book series. In this article - still being referenced to date - the author discusses audio current regulator circuits and their performance with regard to power-supply-related noise.
audioXpress, Reprinted by permission. Entire ... - Walt Jung
32 audioXpress 10/12 www.audioXpress.com An esteemed engineer, electronics authority, and prolific author talks audio Audio Expert Reminisces questions and answers An Interview with Walt Jung SHANNON BECKER: Where are you located? WALT JUNG: My wife Anne and I live in a rural location on the United States’s east coast, complete with an acousti-
Sources 101: Audio Current Regulator Tests ... - audioXpress
In April and May 2007, audioXpress published a two-part article by Walter G. (Walt) Jung, noted designer and author of the IC Op Amp Cookbook and IC Op Amp Applications book series. In this article - still being referenced to date - the author discusses audio current regulator circuits and their performance with regard to power-supply-related noise.
Searching for a Unicorn Part 1: Measuring ... - audioXpress
Figure 2: Walt Jung/Jan Didden regulator’s instability is shown. The top trace = Vout, the bottom represents the output load current of the regulator. Figure 3: John Roberts' design is a dual-polarity tracking super regulator where the negative half establishes a regulated output and the positive half follows by inverting it.
Current Feedback and Voltage Feedback Dispute | audioXpress
Response from Walt Jung and Sergio Franco to Michael Kiwanuka’s article. Recently, AudioXpress published an interesting article on the use of feedback amplifiers. The article is Michael Kiwanuka’s “Current Feedback and Voltage Feedback Fallacies” which appeared in June 2017, p32-37.
A Universal Shunt Regulator for Audio Applications - Walt Jung
Walter G. Jung 2015 (www.waltjung.org) still provide excellent results. An input RFI filter is used before M4, preferably with a low inductance capacitor type for C1. Some subtle but important changes within the regulator and shunt driver have been made, vis-a-vis the AudioXpress version as cited above. The small value emitter
Recent WaltJung.org Articles | Walts Blog 2014
Recent WaltJung.org Articles. 2012: I made some follow on comments to the Jack Walton’s article in Linear Audio, Volume 4, “A Comparative Overview of Power Supply Regulator Designs with Listening Tests”. This appears on the Linearaudio.net website as a Letter-to-the-Editor, along with Jack’s response. 2012: audioXpress published an ...
The MC100 - A High-Quality Moving Coil RIAA ... - audioXpress
In this project article for audioXpress, George Ntanavaras describes the design and construction of a high-quality RIAA preamplifier for moving coil cartridges based on high-quality Analog Device AD797 op-amps designed for low-noise audio applications and driven from very low source impedance. This article was originally published in audioxpress, March 2014.
Op-Amp Based Linear Regulators - Tangentsoft
Jung Super Regulator. Finally we come to the Jung regulator. In the first two issues of TAA in 1995, Jung describes his circuit and gives some very detailed test results of it vs. several other linear regulator types. In issue 3, Jan Didden gives a PCB layout for the circuit and gives some advice for applying the regulator circuit.
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