We have collected the most relevant information on Wavac Audio Lab / Ec-300b. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
EC-300B | WAVAC Audio Lab.
EC-300B | WAVAC Audio Lab. EC-300B A Class Single Ended 10W+10W Power Amplifier The legendary 300B power triode has long been the first choice of many serious music listeners because of the natural, emotional presentation of amplifiers using this power tube.
WAVAC EC-300B: Taking your ears on a luxury ride. Review ...
WAVAC EC-300B Taking your ears on a luxury ride. Review By Wayne Donnelly Click here to e-mail reviewer. Let's face it — we're pushovers for physical beauty.Whether it's a lissome creature seemingly right out of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, a shiny top-down Jaguar parked insouciantly at a chic bistro, or — for us advanced audiophiliacs — a piece of big-ticket "eye …
SET Asylum: REVIEW: WAVAC Audio Lab EC-300B Amplifier ...
It is ridiculous to say that the EC-300B amp is a bargain in the Wavac line, but I believe it truly is. There is a whole world of amplifiers built around the legendary 300B power triode. Thousands of years old and used by the ancient Egyptians when the Pharaoh was laid to rest ..........only joking!
WAVAC Audio EC-300B | Tube | Audiogon
In the EC-300B, 300B tube is special adaptation of our proprietary IITC interstage transformer coupling circuit. Our design is carefully tailored to furnish ideal drive conditions for the output tube, opening the door to dramatic new levels of low-end articulation and dynamic excitement for single-ended 300B amplifiers.
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