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Review: Wavetouch Audio Grand Teton, Piano Black Monitor
Review: Wavetouch Audio Grand Teton, Piano Black Monitor. Alex Yoon and his wife, Jackie, have designed unique speakers for their company, Wavetouch Audio.The speakers are 12” high x 7.5” wide x 10” deep. They are a horn speaker design which uses a 5.25”Mid-bass driver with an AMT Heil Ribbon Tweeter. It has a 94 db (4 ohms) sensitivity.
Wavetouch Audio Grand Teton SE | Monitors | Audiogon
Wavetouch Audio Grand Teton Loudspeakers. Frequency response: 40Hz ~ 25,000Hz. Sensitivity: 94db (4 ohms) AMT Heil Ribbon Tweeter. 5.25" Mid-bass Driver. WaveTouch Technology. Made in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Size: 15"h x 7.25"w x 12"d Price: $3,500 in USA handmade Russian Baltic Birch plywood cabinets Manufacturer. WaveTouch Audio. 401 W ...
Reviews - Wavetouch spkr. - Home-WaveTouch Audio.
AudioAsylum GT SE buyer's review (Dec. 26, 2014) ==> Full review. In summary, the Wavetouch Grand Teton horn designed speakers are both revealing and warm, have great extension at both ends of the frequency scale, are tolerant of placement closer to side walls than most box speakers, sound great in the near field, are coherent and transparent, have a huge sound stage, …
Newport Beach Audio Show 2014 - Home-WaveTouch Audio.
The Show-Newport Beach 2014. Components. Wavetouch Grand Teton speaker. Oppo BDP-95 (transport) Jolida FX tube (DAC) Ampsandsound.com tube preamp. VOSS audio amp (MOSFET 150 watts) ZENTARA cables. Zero acoustic room treatment added.
Wavetouch Audio Grand Teton SE Transparent sounding ...
Wavetouch Audio Grand Teton SE for sale. Grand Teton SE (Wavetouch audio) - Used (2 years) Very good condition. GT SE were traded in. They are upgraded to almost Antero speaker specs. All internal wires are in right direction with signal ...
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