We have collected the most relevant information on Wdtv Dts Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
WDTV DTS Codec problem - WD TV HD - WD Community
in menu make sure you have setting AUDIO OUTPUT switched to “STEREO” so the 2nd gen WD TV HD --should-- downmix DTS to 2.0 and send it through HDMI there is 2700 views of this forum thread and the 8 actual answers are conflicting each other with 2 guys saying its possible and 1 guy saying he owns 2nd gen and it doesnt work…
Playing AC3 and DTS Audio Files impossible on new WDTV ...
I have been using the previous WD TV Live for many years for watching videos, pictures and mainly for listening to my AC3 Audio Files (Dolby 5.1) and DTS Audio Files (also 5.1). located on my NAS in a special folder under /Music, next to my MP3 music. Output is set to the SPDIF interface. All worked perfectly well for years. Now, I upgraded to the WDTV Live new …
WD TV Live & DTS-HD Master Audio? - WD TV Live Firmware ...
It is a compromise, but it is a functional work-around if the movie only has DTS-HD audio. Since (AFAIK) 7.1 audio can not go via S/PDIF optical –and- DTS-HD (if it has 7.1) can not be bitstreamed (due to WDTV Live limitations)… it is my belief that “support for 7.1 audio” should not associated to DTS-HD.
Wdtv hd faq - WD TV HD - WD Community
The Gen1 WDTV only supports passthrough of DTS audio. The way to hear the DTS track is to connect a DTS-capable receiver to the optical output, and set the WDTV’s audio mode to Digital. It will not mixdown a DTS track to a stereo track over the RCA audio jacks.
WDTV Live DTS-HD problem - WD TV Live Streaming - WD …
Hello, I have been using my WDTV Live SMP for a while now with an older receiver capable of only DTS and DD connected with an optical cable for audio. This set up worked fine other than there was no HD sound from MKV files with DTS-MA tracks, I would just get DTS. I’ve recently purchased a new Sony receiver (BDV-N5200W) that is Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD (HRA …
WDTV Live passthrough DTS-HD MA? | AVForums
I've just purchased a WDTV Live. I was intending to hook it up to my Sony STR-DN1000 amp and enjoy DTS-HD Audio from ripped blurays I have. However. I've recently read that it doesn't support DTS-HD, then others say it supports passthrough so the amp will do the decoding. I'm quite confused and if anyone can shed any light on it that would be ...
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