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Westlake Audio Inc - Find Products & Services
Westlake Audio name. This stereo subwoofer system is specifically designed for operation with the Lc8.1 speakers. Each enclosure houses dual 10” high per-formance woofers and a passive high level network that is complete-ly tuned and tweaked for operation with the Lc8.1 speakers. Adding the Lc8.1SW will transform the Lc8.1’s
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疫情期间的娱乐:宅在家里玩音响,让朋友介绍一下他最近刚入的“Westlake Audio”西湖LC8.1f书架箱和他目前的音响系统,给想入手西湖的朋友们做个参考。也是第一次发视频,有不足之处望大家多多包涵。之后会经常推出一些关于音响设备的使用感受和听感。
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Westlake Audio's Lc8.1 Speaker System | Stereophile.com
"Our goal is to build a reference monitor, rather than to produce the new flavor of the day," Westlake Audio's Glenn R. Phoenix told Stereophile. "Rather than boosting the bass or using multiple tweeters, we strive for reference neutrality." Hence the LC8.1 speaker system, which includes two top modules ($8000/pair) and two Lc8.1sw subwoofers with polypropylene …
Lcシリーズ - AVSeartron
Lcシリーズ. Lc4.75F: Lc5.75F: Lc6.75F: Lc8.1F: Lc24.75F: Lc3W10VF
Westlake Audio - Specification Sheet - AVSeartron
Westlake Lc2651V Studio Speaker - ProSoundNetwork.com
Driven by an AudioControl Pantages five-channel amp and RE-Designs SCPA-1 multichannel preamp, I listened to a number of SACD and DVD-A 5.1 mixes using the Westlake Lc265.1Vs, the Lc265.1F center and Westlake Lc8.1 for rears. The tonal match of the three front speakers was perfect.
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