We have collected the most relevant information on Where Can I Study Audiology In New Zealand. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
How do I become an Audiologist? » New Zealand Audiological ...
2 Institutions offering Audiology Courses In New Zealand
University of Canterbury. 2 Universities in New Zealand offering Audiology degrees and courses. Plan your studies abroad now.
Audiology - The University of Auckland
A combination of theoretical study and practical experience, audiology was established in 1990 at the University of Auckland in order to provide New Zealand students with a pathway into clinical audiology. There are excellent facilities for research in a wide variety of topics, including anatomy and physiology of the ear, mechanisms of inner ear disease, psychoacoustics, acoustics, …
Master of Audiology - The University of Auckland
This research-based programme is recognised by the New Zealand Audiological Society (NZAS). Becoming an audiologist involves the completion of the two-year masters programme, followed by one further year of supervised clinical practice, leading to a Certificate of Clinical Competence provided by the NZAS.
Audiology - The University of Auckland
Doctoral study in Audiology Hearing and Tinnitus Clinic ... Our department was the first in New Zealand, and offers excellence in audiological training. About us Study options. We teach the Master of Audiology and offer research-based PhDs supervision. Study Audiology Audiology in the community ...
How do I become an Audiologist? » New Zealand …
This involves two years of postgraduate training and a further year of supervised clinical practice. The New Zealand Audiological Society formally endorses the Masters in Audiology programmes of the University of Auckland and the University of Canterbury. Graduates of endorsed programmes are accepted as provisional members of the New Zealand Audiological Society …
Audiology | University of Canterbury
An audiology qualification from UC is the beginning of a worthwhile and inspiring career in the healthcare sector. Our graduates are in demand and highly employable both in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas. They go on to work in hospitals, schools, and private clinics. Some of our graduates now have their own private practices, while
Master of Audiology | University of Canterbury
For full requirements see the Regulations for the Master of Audiology. For study planning help, contact Te Kura Mahi ā-Hirikapo | School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing. Te Kaupeka Pūtaiao | Faculty of Science Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch 8140 New Zealand
Study Master of Audiology at University of Auckland in New ...
This research-based programme is recognised by the New Zealand Audio logical Society (NZAS). Becoming an audiologist involves the completion of the two-year masters programme, followed by one further year of supervised clinical practice, leading to a Certificate of Clinical Competence provided by the NZAS.
Study Master of Audiology at University of Canterbury in ...
Further study. UC offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Audiology. Career opportunities. The Master of Audiology programme is fully endorsed by the New Zealand Audiological Society (NZAS). Upon completion of the degree, students are able to work as audiologists within New Zealand. The degree is also recognised internationally.
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