We have collected the most relevant information on White Audio Labs A502. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
SAE A502 on the fritz - High-End Audio Discussion Forum
SAE A502 on the fritz - again. ... models from MF, Creek, but the perennial popular seems to be the Audio Refinement Complete for about $600 used or $1000 new. Another flat amp that is an old timer, but excellent nevertheless is the PA-7, the first version, which came out in 1988> a Nakamichi amp, heavy runs heavily into class A, about 200 ...
Steve's - White Audio Labs A-50 solid state amplifier
The White Audio Labs A-50 is a power amplifier in the solid state amplifier category. It was manufactured from 1994 to unknown. Forum topics on the White Audio Labs A-50. The following topics regarding the White Audio Labs A-50 have been found in the forums. If you want to start a new topic, click here.
White Audio Designs
Welcome to White Audio Designs' website. ANNOUNCING: The White Audio gear log is now up and being updated as a blog. It includes a running history of the gear that has been on the repair bench along with other interesting audio and engineering information and anecdotes. I'm working on a PhD currently and also hold a M.S.E.E. (Electrical ...
Steve's - White Audio Labs
White Audio Labs; 1001 Slatan Road, Lubbock, Texas 79404, USA; No official website available; No email adres available; 806-748-0270; 806-748-0593
White Audio Labs | Stereophile.com
White Audio Labs. Does anyone know what happened to this company? They used to be based out of Lubbock,Texas. I lived there for awile back in the early 90's and had a chance to both listen to and meet the designer,I thought they were a little pricy for my taste. Thanks.
White Audio Labs P-2000 Stereo Preamplifier Auction ...
For unreserved auction is one previously owned White Audio Labs P-2000 stereo preamplifier in very good condition. This one is scratch free with only some minor blemishes on the top of the power supply unit.This is a superb sounding preamplifier. It has 5 line level inputs on RCA connectors, along...
LABS — Free Virtual Instruments - Spitfire Audio
LABS — Free Virtual Instruments. An infinite series of free software instruments, made by musicians and sampling experts in London, for anyone, anywhere. Presented in our own plug-in, they are easy to use, and compatible with any DAW. And in case you missed it — they're all free.
White Audio Labs A-100 Class A Amplifier | Solid state ...
White Audio Labs A-100 for sale. Pure Class A Amplifier that works great. I am at least the third owner. Hence, the low price. I can't find a lot of information about this amp but I know it sounds great with my Duetta Sigs. Strong...
Product Review - White Audio Labs B-80 Monoblock ...
The A-50s have two pairs of output devices perchannel, instead of one. White Audio Labs is now The Llano DesignGroup, 4804 84th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79424; Phone806-794-4879. When our equipment wrangler unpacked theB-80s, we were surprised at how small they were.
White Audio Labs A-100 Stereo Power Amplifier; A100 - The ...
Product: White Audio Labs A-100 Stereo Power Amplifier; A100. Product SKU: 18239. Serial Number: A100/22400019. Voltage: 120V. Cosmetic Description: 8/10 Excellent condition with minimal visible cosmetic wear including some tiny nicks on the left handle on the faceplate, and some faint scuffs on the heat sink fins. Outstanding condition overall - the condition will please …
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Now that you know White Audio Labs A502, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.