We have collected the most relevant information on Why Are Audio Cds 74 Minutes Long. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Why is the audio CD 74 minutes long??? - Time for Science
Why is a CD 74 minutes long? It's because of ... - Classic FM
The real limit for CDs started at 72 minutes, not 74 minutes, since this was the maximum length of the U-Matic videotapes which were used for audio masters. And that Furtwängler recording of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 would …
Why Is the CD 74 Minutes Long? (Updated) - Gizmodo
60 minutes wouldn't cut it, and so it became 74 minutes—12 centimeters. At least, that's what some people say. Others say that it was famed Austrian orchestra and opera conductor Von Karajan who ...
The Real Reason CDs Are 74 Minutes Long - Super Bon
There is a standard story about the history of the compact disc that says that it became a 74-minute medium because the then-president of Sony wanted to be able to hear all of Beethoven’s 9th symphony without interruption. It turns out that’s not the case at all, at least not according to an engineer who worked on the CD.
Why a CD is 74 minutes long - s: Anand
Why is a CD 74 minutes long? Answer: Beethoven. Sony and Philips worked under the following constraints: The bits to be etched the CD had to be 0.83 microns long and 1.6 microns apart. Hence about 750,000 bits fit in 1 sq. mm; CD uses 16-bit audio with 2 (stereo) channels. Sound is sampled at at 44.1 KHz for historical reasons. So 1 sq mm translates to …
Why is the audio CD 74 minutes long??? - Time for Science
It is exactly 74 minutes. But why? Why this odd number? Well, the story begins back in the 70's, and more specifically in the year 1979, when Sony and Philips were working on the first audio CD standard. Sony wanted to make a 100mm diameter disk, and Philips wanted to have 115mm diameter. Both were enough to fit any of the classic vinyls.
This Guy Falls Down: Why are CD's 74 minutes long?
December 07, 2003 Why are CD's 74 minutes long? Another one to file under the "strange but true" category. My friend (and drummer) David Carr told me about this the other day, and I had to see for myself. Well, apparently it's true: the length of CD's is fairly arbitrary, based on, of all things, one man's preference for a certain piece of music.
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