We have collected the most relevant information on Wii Audio Quality. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Fixing Sound Issues With A Nintendo Wii – Into Tomorrow ...
Very bad squeaky sound quality across entire Wii | GBAtemp ...
Something like +5 - +10dB. Or if you don't get it yet, really squeaky, blaring, hard on the ears, sound. This occurs on any game, in any menu, with any SFX. As long as it makes a noise. Any TV. Now, about 10% of the time, I can start up my Wii and it will be completely normal. No issues whatsoever.
Wii Audio Distortion | AVS Forum
At first, I thought the game had some poor quality audio samples. However, I actually looked at my Pioneer Elite receiver and saw an "over" indicator light-up when the audio distorts. This indicates that the Wii's volume output is too high. I am using the receiver's audio attenuator function to fix this issue.
WiiMC » Topic: WMC affects the Wii’s audio quality after use
WMC affects the Wii’s audio quality after use. This topic is empty. I don’t know why, but after launching the Homebrew Channel, loading WiiMC, and then returning to the system menu, the Wii’s audio playback appears distorted, as if the bitrate has been slightly reduced. If anyone here is familiar with audio engineering or music production, it sounds as if there has …
Best possible from Wii (audio & video) | Home Theater ...
Purchased a Wii a few months back and bought a component/RCA stereo output cable from monoprice. I currently have the component and RCA's running into the back of my Samsung, outputting to my Onkyo receiver via digital optical. It occurred to me that I may get better audio quality if I use the Onkyo's RCA inputs.
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