We have collected the most relevant information on Wiki Audiogramme. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
How to Read an Audiogram: 15 Steps (with Pictures) - …
1. Find the frequency plotted along the bottom of the graph. The horizontal axis of the graph will show you the frequencies that were used in your test, measured in Hertz. Each …
Audiogram (label) - Wikipedia
Audiogram is an independent record label founded in Quebec in 1984. The label represents performers who have contributed to and have marked Quebec's cultural scene. In the 1990s, Audiogram became home to many of the top local French artists and in 1993 expanded into the English-speaking Canadian market with Montreal rock group Gogh Van Go. By 1997, …
Audiogram | Psychology Wiki | Fandom
Audiogram. An audiogram is a graphical representation of how well a certain person can perceive different sound frequencies . An audiogram is a normalised conversion of hearing thresholds from dBSPL to dBHL, where dB is decibel, SPL is sound pressure level and HL is hearing level. Audiograms are set out with frequency in Hz on the horizontal ...
audiogramme - Wiktionary
French: ·audiogram ... Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Audiogram – Wikipedija
Audiogram. Izvor: Wikipedija. Prijeđi na navigaciju Prijeđi na pretraživanje. Audiogram koji pokazuje tipična neznatna odstupanja sluha na različitim frekvencijama. Prenosivi audiometar Tetra-Tone Model EB-46 iz 1975. Audiogram je grafički prikaz slušne osjetljivosti za različite frekvencije zvuka.
Audiograma - Audiogramme
Audiograma - Audiogramme. De Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre. Share. Pin. Tweet. Send. Share. Send. Realización de un audiograma. Ejemplo de audiograma. El termino audiograma denota un gráfico, utilizado en audiometría tonal, que le permite …
Audiogrammi - Audiogram - abcdef.wiki
Audiogrammi. Audiogram on kuvaaja, joka osoittaa kuultavan kynnys standardoitu taajuudet mitataan audiometriä . Y-akseli edustaa desibeleinä mitattua intensiteettiä ja X-akseli edustaa taajuutta, joka mitataan hertseinä. Kuulokynnys piirretään suhteessa standardoituun käyrään, joka edustaa 'normaalia' kuuloa, desibeleinä (HL).
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