We have collected the most relevant information on Wine Audio Driver. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Sound - Wine
In Windows Vista, Microsoft rewrote most of their audio systems. There are a number of audio APIs in the Windows API, notably dsound.dll, mmdevapi.dll, winmm.dll, and xaudio2*.dll. WinMM and DSound can be considered "legacy" APIs. For Windows Vista, Microsoft rewrote the legacy APIs to route their audio through the main audio …
Running Sound Applications under Wine - Linux Journal
Wine provides audio interface drivers for OSS/Free (the default), ALSA, aRts, JACK and NAS (a network audio system). You can select a new driver at any time, but you will need to restart Wine. Your choice of sound driver may be determined by the application.
Wine User's Guide - WineHQ Wiki
4.1.5 Audio Settings. Wine can work with quite a few different audio subsystems. You can see the selected driver that Wine figures out for you under the Audio tab. You can manually select which device will be used for Output, Input, Voice output and Voice input.
[Solved] wine sound not working (pulseaudio) / Newbie ...
Undo your edit to the registry by running 'wine regedit' and going to HKey_Current_User->Software->Wine->Drivers , then set Audio key to alsa. You should have sound in wine if you have pulseaudio properly installed as per the wiki, use alsa as the wine driver, and have the needed 32 bit libraries installed.
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