We have collected the most relevant information on Wine Pulseaudio Sound Problem. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
[Solved] wine sound not working (pulseaudio) / Newbie ...
[Solved] wine sound not working (pulseaudio) / Newbie ...
Undo your edit to the registry by running 'wine regedit' and going to HKey_Current_User->Software->Wine->Drivers , then set Audio key to alsa. You should have sound in wine if you have pulseaudio properly installed as per the wiki, use alsa as the wine driver, and have the needed 32 bit libraries installed.
No Sound in Wine - disable / remove pulseaudio - WineHQ Forums
This also true about pulse-audio - it is not fully compatible with Wine. If you using new distro (Fedora 8, Ubuntu 8.04, SuSE 11) and do not have sound you should: 1. Report problem to your distro support 2. Disable or even remove pulse-audio In case some one have a recipe to make pulse-audio work with wine - post it.
[SOLVED] Pulseaudio and wine (sound issue) on -current
Pulseaudio and wine (sound issue) on -current I am using mostly playonlinux (so all different versions of wine) however i get this problem with both the wine package from slackbuilds, and within playonlinux, when configuring wine (winecfg) and testing the sound.
pulseaudio - How to change the default audio in Wine to ...
All you need to do is enable Alsa and disable all others in winecfg. You can also try padsp wine insert-application-name-here, this will redirect it to OSS, but fixes many problems with sound. If you do not see the option there, you may be able to add it to your .reg file (You may need to look at the WINE Wiki to find out how to do this).
Troubleshooting Sound Issues | Knowledge Base | …
With Wine Configuration launched, choose the Audio tab. Verify that either "winepulse.drv" or "winealsa.drv" is the selected driver. If it is not, please double-check your installed packages (see below) or file a support ticket. From here, click the "Test Sound" button. If this plays a sound, the problem may be within the game settings.
[SOLVED] pulseaudio / mic issues
Now the problem - his mic is giving me serious issues. I didn't have to adjust any pulseaudio settings on my laptop, the mic just sounds find. But on his, it sounded really over-driven. I've gotten it to sound a lot better, but it's still crackly. And this doesn't change whether he's plugging in a microphone or using his laptop's built-in mic.
PulseAudio - Debian Wiki
Missing playback devices or audio capture. If Pulseaudio does not correctly detect your input / output devices ("sources" and "sinks" in Pulseaudio parlance), you can try deleting the configuration files and restarting pulseaudio. This is probably unnecessary overkill, …
Crackling Sound in Wine! [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums
aoss wine PROGRAM.exe to use pulseaudio. Now more then likely it's your Wine sound settings. So open up the wine config using winecfg and go to the audio tab. Now you'll have to tinker with alsa or oss by selecting one and unselecting the other to see which one works better. But the directsound will make the most difference usually.
Fedora 35 No audio HDMI - Ask Fedora
Fedora 35 No audio HDMI. aheath1992 (Andrew Heath) November 16, 2021, 1:13pm #1. The other day I went to play a game on my in-laws TV via my Fedora 35 system and I could not get audio to come out of the TV. Fedora 35 picked up the TV as an external display, and output for the audio. I had an audio book playing to test the audio but nothing came ...
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