We have collected the most relevant information on Woo Audio Wa6 Tube Rolling. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Woo Audio WA6 Tube Rolling | Stereophile.com
Woo Audio WA6 Tube Rolling . This is a pretty limited comparison. I relied on the reviews of others before deciding to try a Mullard/Holland GZ34 in place of my stock Sovtek 5U4G in my stock Woo Audio WA6. (I should have noted the name of the Head-Fi.org member that compared about eight rectifiers and came up with the GZ34. Buddy, whoever you ...
tube rolling for Woo WA6-SE | Headphone Reviews and ...
Quote: mike1127 said: I've checked out a bunch of tubes for the Woo WA6-SE. Mine is extensively modified so my results might not be typical, but I'm pretty sure they will apply to the stock amp (more or less). The winner is an RCA 6DR7 I got from Jim McShane. It has good presence, dynamics, excitement, PRaT, and is not unflattering to less-than ...
Woo WA6 Tube rolling suggestions please! : headphones
Woo WA6 Tube rolling suggestions please! I have the WA6 SE and have a few suggestions. Frist, and this will annoy the living crap out of autophiles, and I don't really care, the rectifier tube you chose really makes little difference. It converts an AC sine wave into a DC output.
WA6 (2nd gen) Headphone Amplifier — Woo Audio
WA6 (2nd gen) is an all-tube design, Class-A, transformer-coupled, single-ended triode (SET) amplifier. Under the hood of the all aluminum chassis is the same clean point-to-point wiring and premium quality parts found in our top tier models. WA6 (2nd gen) is an exceptional headphone amplifier for every music lover.
Woo Audio WA6 (2nd gen) Headphone Amplifier-Audio …
The WA6 from Woo Audio is a high performance all-tube headphone amplifier whose big performance belies its compact size. Its hallmark is realistic, warm, smooth sound. The versatile design drives a wide range of full-sized headphones and in-ear monitors. It uses a singled-ended triode, 'Class A' all-tube-drive, output transformer-coupled design.
Woo Audio WA6 + WA6SE: Tubes, Comments, Pictures, and ...
Funny, I sold my first WA6 to buy the 6-SE and was disappointed with its sound and tube rolling options, so I sold it and bought another WA6 and couldn't be happier. BTW, Glenn makes adapters for the 6-SE to accept 6SN7 tubes again…at the time I …
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