We have collected the most relevant information on World Record Db Car Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
World Record 200+ DB's, right? | Car Audio Forum ...
I got in an argument with this moron at work about how loud the current world record is. We got on the topic after he said he hit a 151.8 with a single Q 12" off a rockford 1000 I asked him what Mic, Ac100 or a Termlab. He said "shit man, i …
Breaking Car Audio World Records
Over 20 years of dedication to the Car Audio industry. Since 1999, DB Drive has built a solid reputation for superior sound quality and innovation. Discover our commitment behind improving your driving experience. Subwoofers. WDX and Speed …
Here is the Legal WORLD RECORD... - Sound Source Inc ...
Final Score 181.1 decibels Loudest ve... Craig Butler breaking the world record for loudest car stereo in the world. DB Drag Racing Spring Break Nationals 2013. Final Score 181.1 decibels Loudest ve... 2323.
World Record BASS System Hitting 182db | Craig Butler's ...
Now this is one EXTREME install! Check out Craig Butler breaking his previous world record with a 182.1 decibel bass run with 4 18" subs! http://www.youtube....
Loudest Car Stereo in the world - YouTube
Craig Butler breaking the world record for loudest car stereo in the world. DB Drag Racing Spring Break Nationals 2013. Final Score 181.1 decibels Loudest...
USACi Worldwide
USACi has grown into an international car audio megalith encompassing over a dozen countries world wide with a following of hundreds of thousands of people internationally. With the widest variety of competitive formats and feature attractions, USACi is the standard bearer of competitive car audio.
What is the loudest records holding subwoofer\subwoofers ...
May 21, 2007. #10. Yes Alan Dante hit a 179.3 with a single DD 99z18 and 4 DD Z2 amplifiers. I've heard rumors that his car can produce the same score with only 2 of the new Stetsom 7kw amps. What's even more amazing is that Alan was able to win the extreme deathmatch at the 2006 dB Drag world finals with his 1 woofer.
watch this crazy truck break a world record!! this was definitely something crazy to witnessif you like car audio, car fabrication, or car electronics, be su...
2020 IASCA SPL World Record List
2020 IASCA SPL World Record List 10/14/2021 Format Class Member ID Name Date Event Score IdBL Trunk/Pickup 1 20152368 Sean Paradis 6/12/2021 Slamology Automotive & Music Festival 150.8 Trunk/Pickup 2 20163353 Jeremy Taylor 10/8/2021 INAC SPL 2021 153.22 Trunk/Pickup 3 20141475 Chad Bleeke 6/12/2021 Slamology Automotive & Music Festival 156.6
Welcome to dB Drag Racing Auto Sound Competition
4. dB Drag Racing Events. Make Florida Loud. Cheapa Auto Spares. Lunsford Customs. Fighting 22 Car Sh. Quake – X Winterfe. Team Avm Competiti. Soky Soundoff.
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