We have collected the most relevant information on Wxwidgets Portaudio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
ASIO audio in wxWidgets, JUCE or portaudio - wxWidgets ...
ASIO audio in wxWidgets, JUCE or portaudio. I need to implement ASIO in my wxWidgets application. I found two choices, portaudio and JUCE. JUCE is a complete framework like wxWidgets, but now I would be interested only in the audio part. The audio part in JUCE seem to be very good.
CodeBlocks +WxWidgets +PortAudio
Re: CodeBlocks +WxWidgets +PortAudio « Reply #1 on: February 01, 2015, 12:36:10 pm » 1) This has nothing to do with c::b but with mingw compiler and msys, so this is the wrong forum to ask (remember c::b is not a compiler but a IDE, and the with c::b delivered mingw is a "bonus" for newcomers, but we give no support for it)
GitHub - mrpep/Simple-Audio-Player: A C++ simple audio ...
Simple-Audio-Player. A C++ minimal audio player based on wxWidgets, libsndfile and Portaudio. Example showing how to code a UI in wxWidgets with multithreading support, read an audio file with libsndfile and play it through Portaudio. It shows the progress of the song in real time and allows the user to jump to any part of it by clicking on a bar. Playback can be paused, …
Development: wxMSW - WxWiki - wxWidgets
PortAudio is the relatively famous one now started from the music-dsp list, but a native implementation might be desired if wx ever expands to this. DirectInput Desired for wxJoystick for force feedback and other features. The Great Flicker Wars
Development: MMedia Replacement - WxWiki - wxWidgets
Portaudio is an elegant, low-latency, easy-to-use, cross-platform audio API that should work great with any toolkit, including wxWidgets. It even resembles the API design you've described. I've used it personally and I've been quite impressed - my program compiled with no changes on Win32, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Now you know Wxwidgets Portaudio
Now that you know Wxwidgets Portaudio, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.