We have collected the most relevant information on X-Lite One Way Audio Problem. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
x lite softphone configuration VoIP and sip ssetup cheap ...
No Audio one way, X-Lite | 3CX Forums
Yesterday the 3CX with X-Lite clients was working fine tunelling across a private WAN with a couple of extensions. We had conferencing going, multiple calls, external voip providers etc... This morning when we try to use it, there is no audio on one end of the phone. We call an internal extension and the person at the other end hears nothing.
Sip X-lite one-way audio until press hold - Avaya: IP ...
CQ122263 - Call between two SIP Soft phones is placed on hold by the call originator, one way speech results when call is resumed. CQ122231 - One way speech when one-X Portal makes a consultation call between two SIP Soft Phones with a call on hold. But this problem was ocurring earlier I update to 6.1(12) and after that, the problem continues.
How to resolve one-way or no-way audio problem ...
If STUN cannot resolve your one-way audio problem, the root reason could be the router or your network type, and the final perfect solution is establish a VPN network to include all your SIP phones and SIP clients. That’s another topic. F.A.Q audio, nat, one-way, stun
One-way audio problem - myvoipapp.com
In some area, local ISPs could block or change SIP signals which can also cause one-way audio problem. To avoid that, you can try to change standard SIP port or use SIP over TCP/TLS. Please refer to following documents for more details. Change SIP port; SIP over TCP; SIP over TLS
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