We have collected the most relevant information on Xbmc Audio Forum. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
xbmc audio settings | AVForums
Hi Having probs with audio over hdmi been too harley-jones.co.uk » Blog Archive » Setting up an eMachine 1401 as a MythTV/XBMC media centre where a fix for this is mentioned but was unable to access the setting mentioned. problem is different builds of xbmc are accessed differently. tried xbmc live where I did gain access to this setting ( as opposed to dharma 10.1 …
No HDMI audio in XBMC - Kodi Community Forum
putting the ".asoundrc" in the home directory of my xbmc user and setting xbmc as described but it did not work. Playback does not complain the audio device is wrong, there is just no sound. I have tried setting the audio in XBMC to analog and hdmi. I have tried using the default ALSA entry for audio device and pass through.
XBMC - Bit-perfect audio - Software - Audiophile Style
support for 24-bit and floating-point audio at up to 384,000hz. mixing of all streams including GUI sounds even when transcoding audio. start-up enumeration of hardware audio devices and their capabilities with log output. bitstreaming support in PAPlayer (XBMC's music player) upmixing of stereo to full channel layout.
No 5.1 audio in XBMC | MINIX Forum
Hi, I've a problem with audio in XBMC for minix (version 16.3). I get only 2ch audio even I playback a 5.1 file (both AC3 and DTS tracks). The minix is connected directly through HDMI to a surround system that notifies me 2 channels audio. The 5.1 audio works properly with MX player but I' ve many directories and I prefer Kodi navigation system.
XBMC | Forum
Anything and Everything XBMC. Questions, Comments, Concerns, Problems, Fixes, Updates. If its Xbmc, its here! Threads and Posts; Total Threads: 28: Total Posts: 137: On This Board; You can create threads. You can reply to threads. You can create polls. Users Viewing; 0 Staff, 0 Members, 1 Guest. Click here to remove banner ads from this forum ...
Kodi Community Forum
Kodi is a free and open source media player application developed by the XBMC Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium. Kodi is available for multiple operating-systems and hardware platforms, featuring a 10-foot user interface for …
XBMC Audio goes HD | News | Kodi
XBMC has never sounded better! With full floating-point audio pipes, even mp3’s sound audibly better, with dithering built-in to further reduce quantization noise. After a herculean effort and many lost evenings, the team is happy to announce that AudioEngine has been merged with the master branch as of May 15th 2012.
Audio popping; OpenELEC, XBMC, or Pi problem? - Raspberry ...
My intention is to use it solely as an audio player. It runs pretty well, but I get a popping or clicking sound at the start or end of mp3 tracks. I'm not sure if it's a Pi, XBMC, or OpenELEC issue. In more detail, I am using the 3.5mm audio jack to output sound to an old hi-fi through its aux input.
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