We have collected the most relevant information on Xbmc Audio Settings Shortcut. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
15 XBMC keyboard shortcuts you should know
Xbmc Keyboard Shortcuts Most users are familiar with using arrow keys, Esc (Previous Menu or Home Screen), Backspace (Back), and Enter (Select) to navigate through XBMC. Without covering those, below are some XBMC keyboard controls that can help you out while watching videos or listening to music.
[HOW-TO] Easily switch audio outputs, settings, etc.
xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"Settings.SetSettingValue", "params":{"setting":"audiooutput.passthrough","value":true}, "id":1}') xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"Settings.SetSettingValue", "params":{"setting":"audiooutput.channels","value":8}, "id":1}')
How to setup Plex (and XBMC) for Surround Sound Audio ...
Launch XBMC from: Settings > APPLICATIONS > Manage All Installed Applications; In XBMC, scroll right and select “SYSTEM” Scroll down and select “System” Scroll down change the “Settings level” to “Advnaced” Scroll up and select “Audio output” Set “Number of channels” to match the number of speakers you have; Set “Enable passthrough” (a blue circle means it is …
How to switch audio output easily?
1) while a video is playing hit enter, audio, drop down and select, then back out of the menu... whew! or 2) go to settings, system, audio, scroll down, select passthrough, then back to the video... whew! again! There has got to be a way to add the "passthrough" toggle to a keyboard command (script?)... any ideas please?
XBMC audio playing through computer speakers and not ...
To actually change it in XBMC you go in settings and go into the System tab, not Audio, and then go to Audio Output. In there, at the top there is a misleading option called Audio Output. That's not it; rather, you need to change the setting "Audio Output Device."
r/xbmc - Audio settings for a DTS-HD capable soundbar (YSP ...
**XBMC** is an award-winning *free and open source* cross-platform software media player and entertainment hub for HTPCs. It uses a 10-foot user interface and is designed to be a media player for the living-room, using a remote control as the primary input device. XBMC can be used to play almost all popular audio and video formats around.
How to Activate Window for Audio Output Device : xbmc
So I have just upgraded from XBMC to Kodi and decided it was time to fix the biggest issue I have with this program, albeit a small one. For me to change from my desktop speakers to my surround sound, the best solution I have found so far is using Auto Hotkey to send keypresses that navigate the settings menu to select Audio Output Device and pop up the window which lets me choose.
Keyboard controls - Official Kodi Wiki
Default keyboard controls. The default keymap can be found at: Keyboard.xml Master. Key. …
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