We have collected the most relevant information on Xbox 360 Audio Video Cable Not Working. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
XBOX 360 Audio Adapter not working with HDMI!? - Microsoft ...
Xbox 360 HD VGA Cable. No Sound - Microsoft Community
Warning. I am not very techy. Sorry if I don't understand. I recently bought a HD VGA cable for my xbox to hook up to my TV. The video is perfect, however I am unable to get any sound. Someone told me that the VGA cable does not transmit sound, but then I don't understand why there is a white and red wire.
Video cable not working...? - Xbox 360 Q&A for Xbox 360 ...
In other words, my audio cables are working, but my video cable is not. All plugs are in as far as they can be AND are in the right positions. The 360 has not been used in 3 days (?). ReflectingSky - 12 years ago - report
How to fix an Xbox 360 with sound but no video – Justin ...
I found out that you can fix it much the same way as you would the common RROD issue, by removing the x-clamp from the GPU, and using screws to reseat the heat sync. I pieced together the fix from around the web, and took the following steps to fix my video-less 360: Downloaded this guide. ( highly recommended)
SOLVED: Machine turns on, no signal / video output? - …
Make sure that the component cable is set to whatever input you have the cables plugged into. For example, if you are using the component connection, RED-GREEN-BLUE and then WHITE-RED for your audio, make sure the switch is set to HDTV. If you are using standard connection, YELLOW-WHITE-RED, then make sure it is set to TV.
Audio not working from Xbox 360. : xbox360 - reddit
Audio not working from Xbox 360. Hello, recently bought an Xbox 360 to play some games I missed from the generation. I have the Xbox working perfectly, except for one small problem, the audio doesn't work! I have all the composite cables plugged into the TV (It's a original phat white 360 with no HDMI) yet it still doesn't work.
Xbox 360 Optical sound not working - AVForums
some h/t's need to have sound selected. my old samsung use to be dig in others use opt in. just read through your manual to see if you have to select any. also when you have your optic plugged into your xbox check the other end of the cable to see if there is a red light on it this will tell you if your xbox is supplying the sound to your h/t.
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