We have collected the most relevant information on Xbox Hdmi Audio Settings. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Xbox Support
Select Profile & system > Settings > General > Volume & audio output. Under Speaker audio, you can adjust the following settings: HDMI audio - Keep this set at Stereo uncompressed unless your HDMI cable is plugged into a receiver that can process 5.1 or 7.1 uncompressed signals or bitstream formats.
Xbox One X Audio settings - stereo uncompressed or ...
My setup is Xbox one x > LG 4k TV > Yamaha YAS-207 Soundbar. All via HDMI (with arc). My audio settings are: HDMI bitstream and optical bitstream, then DTS. This works fine when playing games and watching Sky on Sky app. However last night I was watching Angel Has Fallen (using the xbox as my blu ray player) and the sound kept dropping in and out. I tried …
Xbox Series X Audio Options - Xbox Series X Wiki Guide - …
Speaker audio. Most won't need to change these, but you might depending on your speaker sound setup. HDMI audio options: Off; Stereo uncompressed; 5.1 uncompressed; 7.1 uncompressed; Bitstream out
How do I change the audio output on my Xbox? – Gaming ...
How do I fix the sound on my Xbox one? Press the Xbox button to open the guide, then select Profile & system > Settings > General > Volume & audio output. Under Speaker audio, select either HDMI audio or Optical audio, depending on how your device is connected.
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