We have collected the most relevant information on Xfce Pulseaudio Mute. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Fix unmuting (PulseAudio) on Xfce - ronlut
in the terminal and then press 'M' to toggle the mute state. Apparently, the Audio Mixer was muting PulseAudio AND Alsa, but unmuting ONLY Alsa. If you run the following command, it will list all the properties under xfce4-mixer: xfconf-query -lc xfce4-mixer. In my case, what I saw is only one mixer under /sound-cards/ entry.
xfce - How to control PulseAudio volume using …
I have installed pulse audio in xfce. Now I want to control volume using multimedia keys. I already tried xfce4-mixer and xfce4-volumed. But they change volume at hardware level using alsa driver. This makes a problem. when I mute audio, it mutes. But when I un-mute audio then it doesn't toggle. What should I do?
Development Release: Xfce PulseAudio Plugin 0.3.1
Control device volume, from 0% to 100% and beyond. Instantly mute volumes by middle-clicking the plugin or clicking the mute toggle. Launch the configured audio mixer. Open, raise, or control playback from known media players (since 0.3.0) Select default input and output devices (since 0.3.1)
Volume Stuck on Mute (XFCE Desktop) - Manjaro
Overview. The inability to toggle the volume mute particulary affects users of the XFCE desktop environment. This is due to an incompatability between xfce4-volumed - the volume daemon used by this desktop environment- and PulseAudio, which is responsible for recording and playback. The result is that once muted, the volume cannot be restored by un-checking the mute button; …
panel-plugins:xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin:start [Xfce Docs]
The Xfce PulseAudio Plugin is a plugin for the Xfce panel which provides a convenient way to adjust the audio volume of the PulseAudio sound system and to an auto mixer tool like pavucontrol. It can optionally handle multimedia keys for controlling the audio volume. Latest Release. Source Code Repository. Reporting Bugs.
audio - How to enable my keyboard's volume keys in XFCE ...
Open the configuration for your keyboard shortcuts and add the following commands: pactl -- set-sink-volume 0 +10% # raise volume by each 10% (more than 100% possible, might distort the sound) pactl -- set-sink-volume 0 -10% # reduce volume by each 10%. pactl -- set-sink-mute 0 toggle # mute/unmutes audio.
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