We have collected the most relevant information on Xkcd Audio Preview. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Youtube Audio Preview - xkcd
Youtube Audio Preview. Wow. It seems someone at YouTUBE took this comic seriously and decided to add an “Audio Preview” feature. Now you can hear your comments read aloud to you. Of course, it’s an optional button using …
Youtube Audio Preview - xkcd
Youtube Audio Preview – xkcd Wow. It seems someone at YouTUBE took this comic seriously and decided to add an "Audio Preview" feature. Now you can hear your comments read aloud to you. Of course, it's an optional button using speech synth rather than a mandatory dramatic reading, so it'll just be used for entertainment by people who haven't played…
xkcd: Listen to Yourself
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). More details..
Youtube Audio Preview - xkcd
Youtube Audio Preview – xkcd Wow. It seems someone at YouTUBE took this comic seriously and decided to add an "Audio Preview" feature. Now you can hear your comments read aloud to you. Of course, it's an optional button using speech synth rather than a mandatory dramatic reading, so it'll just be used for entertainment by people who haven't played…
YouTube adds “Read Comment Aloud” feature from xkcd
Randall Monroe, the creator of xkcd, suggested that if YouTube commenters had to listen to their comments read back to them aloud, it might lead to better discussion on YouTube. Some Googlers thought that was a pretty fun suggestion, so they did it. YouTube now has an audio preview so you can listen to your comment before you post it.
XKCD Inspires YouTube Feature - Hackaday
XKCD’s strip focusing on the inanity of YouTube comments inspired someone to actually add the Audio Preview feature to YouTube. It’s provided us with much amusement, especially where one ...
2008 - xkcd
xkcd. The blag of the webcomic ... It seems someone at YouTUBE took this comic seriously and decided to add an “Audio Preview” feature. Now you can hear your comments read aloud to you. Of course, it’s an optional button using speech synth rather than a mandatory dramatic reading, so it’ll just be used for entertainment by people who ...
Now you know Xkcd Audio Preview
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