We have collected the most relevant information on Yaesu Ft 101 Audio Mods. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
FT-101 Mods - AM Window
FT-101 Audio Modifications. by Bob - N1UJS. These mods worked beautifully on my FT-101E. They came to me from Eric, WB2CAU, who got them from Mark, WA1FAF who got them from the Master himself WA1HLR. Seventy-three and I hope these are a help to many. Transmit Modifications PB-1315: Change R2 from 47k to 4.7 M for crystal mic (D-104, etc.)
Yaesu FT-101 HF Transceiver Web - Fox Tango
PB-1081B, PB-1081C, PB-1189, PB-1315A~Z. This Module contains microphone amplifier, Audio Amplifier, Vox and CW side tone. One can easily note the difference from PB1081C which was used in the late production FT-101 transceivers which came with the large SANYO STK-401 audio amplifier chip and PB-1315A/B audio unit used in the newer FT-101E and F model transceivers.
N2FFL...Yaesu FT-101E - QSL.net
Modifications for the Yaesu FT-101 - from KB2LJJ; FT-101E Page - Mods and info; Yaesu FT-101 HF Transceiver Home Page - from NW2M; Yaesu FT-101 For Sale - find Yaesu FT-101 ham radios for sale here. FT-101 Audio Modifications - from The AM Window; FT-101E Quick Alignment Guide ; REPLACING FINALS IN FT101E TRANSCEIVERS
mods.dk - Articles for Yaesu 'FT-101'
CW filter installation for FT-101ZD: 02 Dec 2000: Audio hum in Yaesu FT-101 ZD: 19 Jul 1998: FT-101 Mod for 30-meter (10MHz) Transmit: 19 Jul 1998: Replace finals in FT-101E: 19 Jul 1998: FT-101 series, convet 11 meter to 12 meter: Click here to …
Modifications for the Yaesu FT-101 - Radio mods
Modifications for the Yaesu FT-101. FT-101 series, convet 11 meter to 12 meter. Converting 11 Meter band to 12 Meters for the Yaesu FT 101 series .. Although this procedure hardly qualifies as a "mod" (too easy), it iscertainly useful for the FT 101 series owner. Conversion to the 12 meterWARC band is as simple as replacing a crystal.
Yaesu FT-101EX MODS - N8RWS
This modification is very easy.. simply install a 6KHz filter in the SSB filter slot on PB -1183. You may use the Yaesu filter (XF-30B) or an aftermarket filter from INRAD. SPECIAL NOTE: If you install the 6KHz filter in the SSB slot, you will not need to perform the mode switch modification to enable the filter in AM mode. (the stock AM circuit uses the narrow SSB filter for AM RX).
Modifications for the YAESU
(FT-101) FT-101 series, convet 11 meter to 12 meter English language (FT-101) Replace finals in FT-101E English language (FT-101) FT-101 Mod for 30-meter (10MHz) Transmit English language (FT-101) Audio hum in Yaesu FT-101 ZD English language (FT-102) Yaesu FT-102 mods English language (FT-102) FT102 CW Filter English language
[AMRadio] The Yaesu FT101E, Good Radio for AM
FT-101 Audio Modifications "These mods worked beautifully on my FT-101E. They came to me from Eric, WB2CAU, who got them from Mark, WA1FAF who got them from the Master himself
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