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It's Done! Power Cord Shoot-Out-- 22 Power Cords Reviewed ...


REVIEW: Zu Cable Birth Power Cord Cable - Audio Asylum

    Larger gauge power cord like Zu Mother might be a better choice to satisfy power demands of some power amplifiers and source components (my Acurus DIA-100 likes the Birth, just fine!). Product Strengths: Fast and detailed, with excellent transient attack and a remarkable open midrange clarity.

Zu Audio Event Power Power Cables user reviews : 5 out of ...

    broadway AudioPhile This review is for the Zu BIRTH Power Cord. Without any 'burn-in' at all and immediately on plug in, this terrific cord simply smoked the Straightwire Triaxial that was powering my Adcom GFP750 preamp. Vocals, immediately less glaring, more liquid. A more solid imaging and a touch of added air.

6moons audio reviews: Sundry Cables by Zu Audio

    Either way, you won't go wrong; at $349 for a 1.5m-state-of-the-art power cable, Mother is the better of the two and a bargain but at $219 Bok is an even greater steal and as expected, the better value in Zu's B3 power cables.

Review: Zu Audio Mission Mk 1 Hi-Fi power cable

    A big thumbs up to the Zu Audio Mission Mk 1 power cord. While it may not be as dynamic sounding as some of my other power cords, it is probably sharper and cleaner with a notably smooth mid range. Excellent build quality and flexibility as well as close to perfect sonics , gives it my recommendation.

Zu Audio Speaker Cable - Opinions? | Steve Hoffman …

    I recently purchased two pairs of Zu Libtec cables. 1-10ft pair,spades/bananas, 1-8ft pair,bananas/bananas. Both were used,for a ridiculous price of $75. I simply couldn't resist. I have been using Anticables,Signal Cable,and Dyson Audio speaker cables. I find the Libtecs to be very nice cables.

6moons audio reviews: Zu Tone

    Power Cables: Zu Birth [on loan for this review], GutWire Power Clef 2, Power Clef SE, Audience powerChord Stands: Premier three-tier, filled with sand P owerline conditioning : BPT Pure Power Center w/Wattgate 381 outlets w/ Bybee Quantum Purifiers and ERS cloth, Blue Circle BC86 MkII Power Line Pillow, GutWire MaxCon

Review: Zu Audio Mission Mk 1 Hi-Fi power cable

    A big thumbs up to the Zu Audio Mission Mk 1 power cord. While it may not be as dynamic sounding as some of my other power cords, it is probably sharper and cleaner with a notably smooth mid range. Excellent build quality and flexibility as well as close to perfect sonics , gives it my recommendation.

Cable | Zu Audio | USA Made Hi-Fi Speakers and Audio …

    Cable | Zu Audio | USA Made Hi-Fi Speakers and Audio Cable. Zu Audio. 3350 S 1500 W, Ogden, Utah 84401, USA. 801-452-5578 info@zuaudio.com. Hours. Mon 9am to 5pm. Tue 9am to 5pm.

Power Cord Shoot-Out: 16 Power Cords Reviewed | Steve ...

    15 Power Cords Reviewed *phew* OK, here we go, hope it was worth the wait. Welcome to the review section. After the general review comments you will find a series of ratings on a 10-point scale (10 being best) that try to apply a measure to several parameters of performance. They are listed in the order in which I owned them.

Massive Power Cable Shoot Out - Audio & Video Forums

    Zu Mission Speaker cables - very clean in the top end and a full rich bass. Not sure if it is overly so or not yet. WyWires IC in cool mode - they do a great job to reducing digital harshness and don't get in the way of dynamic shifts or staging. Test CD will be (no vinyl - …

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