We have collected the most relevant information on Zu Audio Julian. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Zu Cable OxyFuel Interconnects and Julian Speaker Cables

    The Julian biwires are actually a single run of 11.5-AWG Julian cables for low/mid frequency duty combined with a run of Zu Cable's 14-AWG Gauge cable for the highs, but a dual run of Julians is recommended for larger three-way speaker …

Zu Audio Julian - Audio Asylum Trader

    Zu Audio cables. All in very good to like new condition; Julian Speaker cables, 6 ft. - $55. Oxyfuel interconnects; 1.0 m (2 pair) $35 each; 0.75 m $25; 0.5 m (2 pair) …

Zu Audio Julian spk | Audiogon Bluebook

    Zu Audio Julian spk pricing information. on Audiogon, the High-end Audio Community. Audiogon. The world's largest high-end audio community. Forum. The conversation begins and ends here. Virtual Systems. Let the world see what you've built. …

Zu Audio Julian Speaker Cables 8' | AC Cables | Audiogon

    Zu Audio Julian for sale. ZU AUDIO JULIAN SPEAKER CABLES, 1-pair of 8' Zu Julian Speaker Cables, Excellent condition. Factory banana plug connectors on both ends. Great audio cables!!!

Zu Julian 8' speaker cables banana connectors For Sale ...

    Zu Julian speaker cables with banana terminations on both ends. 8 foot long ( or 2.5m). Cables are in very good condition. No snags in sheathing. Slight fading of labeling on printed heatshrink on ends. You can still make out the direction arrows. Comes with 3 extra banana tips. I broke one and Zu sent me a 4 pack of replacements.

Zu Julian bi-wire speaker cables For Sale - Canuck Audio Mart

    40 rows

Zu Audio Julian speaker cables 10ft (banana to spades) For ...

    Feb 16, 2019. 2. FOR SALE: brand new Wasatch LC-601 speaker cables from Zu Audio ( 8ft ) Speaker Cables. $85.00. BC. Feb 15, 2019. 3. FOR SALE: Clarus Audio Aqua bi …

Zu Audio Speaker Cable - Opinions? | Steve Hoffman …

    TEA FOR ONE Listening to the world one note at a time. I recently purchased two pairs of Zu Libtec cables. 1-10ft pair,spades/bananas, 1-8ft pair,bananas/bananas. Both were used,for a ridiculous price of $75. I simply couldn't resist. I have been using Anticables,Signal Cable,and Dyson Audio speaker cables.

Hi-Fi Speakers | High Efficiency Speakers - Zu Audio

    Zu Audio. 3350 S 1500 W, Ogden, Utah 84401, USA. 801-452-5578 info@zuaudio.com. Hours. Mon 9am to 5pm. Tue 9am to 5pm. Wed 9am to 5pm. Thu 9am to 5pm. Fri 9am to 5pm. A REVOLUTION IN AMERICAN HI-FI.

6moons audio reviews: Sundry Cables by Zu Audio

    Reviewer: Frederic Beudot Digital Source: Musical Fidelity A5 CD, Accuphase DP55, Sound Quest SQ12 [on loan] Amplifier: Musical Fidelity A5, McIntosh MA2275, Onix SP3 Speakers: FJ OMs, Rogers LS 3/5a, Nomad Audio RPD [in for review], Dana 630 [in for review] Headphone: Musical Fidelity Xcanv3, AKG K701 Cables: Zu Gede, Zu Libtec, Slinkylinks RCA, Cobalt Ultimate

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